Notfox Blog

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Why the Backroom Is All About

Author: Notfox
Subject: Website Operations
Last Updated: June 30th, 2023

If you've been around, maybe you noticed that the Backroom was recently added. Or maybe you're new here, but wonder why in the world we're mixing news and... other things. No matter where your questions came from, perhaps this will help answer them.

The first thing you should do is go and read about why this site exists at all. That might answer a lot of your questions, and it's always nice to not have to repeat oneself. With that out of the way, we'll move on.

The Backroom is a confluence aggregator, of the exact same variety that is found on the home page. It takes a set of website sources, and compares them for keyword confluence. In the case of the homepage, mainstream media sites are used (I will ignore anyone who tries to claim that Fox or Newsmax aren't "mainstream"; these two sites are just additional tentacles on the same media beast that runs everything else.) In the case of the Backroom, a whole different set of sources are used.

Explicitly, at the time of writing, the following sources are used in the Backroom:

  • Natural News
  • InfoWars
  • Blacklisted News
  • Breitbart
  • The Epoch Times
  • WND

These may change at any time, depending on what suits my fancy. These types of sites are far less durable than the alphabet networks, and I can't guarantee they'll be around and useful for any length of time.

Now, these types of websites serve a different purpose from sites like Fox, CNN, and NPR. These secondary sites represent the information that the media machine is willing to deliver to people who are dissatisfied with the primary offering. In other words, if you don't trust the mainstream media, the powers who control media have an alternative in sites such as those of the Backroom.

And so, the Backroom is not a place to go to find more accurate information, but a place to go to keep track of the entire message of the media machine. Or, as much of the message as can be readily found.

A word of caution: The goals of the sites above are slightly different from those of the mainstream media in some respects. Baseline goals such as controlling the narrative, shifting focus and saliency, and overall agenda-setting are the same, but are approached from different angles. Additional goals of propagating fear and uncertainty (beyond what is in the traditional narrative, and focused on a different audience), are present as well. A primary goal of these sites appears to be to increase division, and to divert a specific tactical portion of the population. And to top it all off, there's a healthy dose of good-old-fashioned money grubbing in the mix as well.

Another word of caution: If you're easily offended, you may want to avoid the Backroom. I'm not creating the content, but I am aware enough to understand it is not designed to please everyone.

My recommendation is to use the Backroom to keep track of what is going on, and what messages are being promoted. Using it for anything else would probably be fruitless.

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