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Media Prediction: False Flag US Power Grid Attack

Author: Notfox
Subject: Failed Prediction
Last Updated: October 30th, 2023

Update: October 30th, 2023

This never materialized, and the outlets that were pushing it stopped mentioning it altogether (never admitting they were wrong, as usual). Another failed media prediction.

July 13th, 2023:

Below is a prediction coming from one or more media outlets. This is not my prediction, nor do I wish to promote it as accurate. It is simply an observation.

There have been several predicted attacks on the US power grid this year, as there are in most recent years. Most prominently, May through July has seen some consistent predictions of impending power grid doom. Here are a few links from this year, you can find more if you wish:

Essentially, the claim in the mainstream media is that the government has determined that white supremacists--or more recently, Russia--are planning on attacking the US power grid. These claims have come from various government agencies, and have been reported to varying degrees, but the theme has been consistent. Some claims have been regional, others national.

The Backroom media have promoted the theory that the US government is planning a false flag attack on the US power grid. First, to be blamed on white supremacists, but when that fell apart, to be blamed on Russia.

This prediction is not time bound (in May/June it was impending, and it's still impending here at the end of July), but we'll continue to watch it so that we'll be ready when it's time to move it to the "failed predictions" category.

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