Notfox Blog

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Notfox Website Speed

Author: Notfox
Subject: Website Operations
Last Updated: June 30th, 2023

Notice anything about Hopefully you notice that most of the time, pages load very quickly. This is by design. The site is designed to be minimalistic by today's standards.

If you've been around the site for a while, you may be saying, "Wait a second, what about all those things you did a couple years ago that brought the site up-to-date? That's not minimalist!" And you would be right. The site used to operate on very basic code, with almost no libraries or other dependencies. Or maybe it was none, I can't recall. It used to be very barebones minimalist.

By the standards this site used to have, it has become somewhat bloated. To you folks, I'll say I'm sorry. I did add some things that make my life easier, and that make the site perform better in modern browsers. Not a super-minimalist approach. However, I will point out that the site still works exceptionally well in lynx, and a gopher version is also available on So, you really can't complain too much.

I'll also point out that there are zero dependencies on javascript or css. The site works fine without them. So, if they bother you, feel free to access every feature of the site with javascript and css disabled.

One last note on site speed: at times, the home page and Backroom page take a few moments to load. This is because they are fetching the latest data from a variety of external sources. That fetching is cached, however, to help those who visit the site for the next 15min after those external loads.

Pages that don't rely on external content should load lightning-fast every single time. You're welcome.

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